Unity Editor 2021.3 LTS on Linux: Works, but…

I’ll keep this short, but while Unity Editor 2021.3 LTS works on Linux-based system, it has a flaw that hurt my eyeballs while using it. Granted, I haven’t spent a lot of time using Unity on Linux (apart from using the compiled Unity Players on Linux), here’s my experience so far… The Good For starters,…

Unity, why fail a build if the build directory isn’t empty?

When building a project using Unity 2020 LTS (probably 2019 as well), if you build a Mono project inside a directory that has a IL2CPP build of the same or different project, you’ll get an error saying that you shouldn’t build a Mono/IL2CPP project inside a existing Mono/IL2CPP build directory. And that fails the entire…

Why using Mobile Devices as Game Servers is a bad idea

As a developer of the Mirror Networking stack, sometimes I look in the help channels and see people wanting to use Android or iOS for game servers, where people would connect to each other’s phones and have a game session. Before I dive into the nitty gritty, I’m going to say it now: Using Mobile…

Google Cloud Servers: Unity says “Magic number is wrong: 542”

This apparently is a mono bug, and seems to happen if you try to invoke a Linux headless build on a Google Cloud VPS instance. From what I understand it’s something to do with the terminal emulator that the Google Cloud Console uses. If you used SSH to log into the server and started that…

Ignorance Reliable UDP Transport for Mirror & Unity Engine

Ignorance is a reliable UDP based transport for vis2k’s Mirror High-level API which is a much improved version of UNET. This transport is currently developed and actively used by my game studio, Oiran Studio for our networked game projects. Version 1.1.0 which adds support for the Mirror Networking 2018 Branch has just been released as…