Time to dust off the blog… and Pokemon Go thoughts

Nothing really much to say to be honest, apart from some stuff like Pokemon Go. Might as well write about it while I’m taking a breather between website development projects. I’ve been looking into that game and for the fans of the Pokemon franchise, it works. It helps people who are big fans of the…

Super Mario Maker Levels designed by me

This is a list of Super Mario Maker (a WiiU application that allows people to create and play fan Mario levels) levels that I’ve designed and published. Some may have been removed from the server due to no one liking/playing them, so I cannot promise if all of them will still be available or not….

New blog and stuff…

Well, when you have your own personal domain just sitting around doing nothing I guess it’s not a bad idea to turn it into a personal blog of sorts. As you can possibly tell, I’m not exactly super thrilled to be writing the first post with “eh, welcome to another blog”, so well yeah. There…